Bapak Sial, Anak Sial, Ibu Sialan..!
Njum.....bangun! kamu mau sekolah apa nggak? lihat, sudah jam berapa ini?"Teriak ibunya Njum sambil nyelonong masuk kedalam kamar.
"mana njum tahu ini jam berapa, Njum kan lagi tidur!"
"iya, makanya bangun! kamu kan harus sekolah!" Tukas sang ibu kesal sambil membuka jendela kamar.
"Ah, ibu, Njum kan masih kecil, masa disuruh sekolah!"
"Heh, kamu kan sudah kelas tiga SD,"Ibunya Njum teriak-teriak, "Masa sudah sekolah tiga tahun bilang masih kecil!" teriak ibunya lagi sambil menarik bantal guling dari pelukan Njum.
"Tapi ongkosnya ditambahin jadi seribu, ya?"
"nggak, nggak bisa. enak aja! Pokoknya kamu harus bangun sekarang, mandi, pakai seragam, setelah itu sekolah"
Njum membalik badanya, pura-pura cuek. barulah ketika pipinya dijewer, ia bangun sambil mengucek-ngucek mata.
Njum, seorang anak berumur 9 tahun, duduk dibangku SD, kelas tiga. Hobinya menggambar gunung dan lembah. Bapak-ibunya enggan lagi punya anak setelah melahirkan Njum. Soalnya, bersamaan dengan lahornya Njum, lahir pula berbagai kesialan. Dimulai dari posisi Njum waktu di lahirkan yang nyungsang dan terpaksa dioperasi. Karena nggak ada biaya, ayahnya terpakasa meminjam uang kepada tetangganya. Sialnya, uang tersebut ternyata hasil rampokan dan bapaknya Njum di curigai sebagai penadah, walhasil terpaksa bapaknya mendekam dipenjara untuk diperiksa lebih lanjut. Karena itu pula bapaknya dipecat dari pekerjaanya. Tidak sampai disitu, ketiak Njum berhasil dilahirkan dengan selamat, tiba-tiba saja terjadi kebakaran dirumah sakit itu. beberapa lantai habis terbakar. Akibatnya banyak pasien yang ditampung diruang sementara. sungguh sial Njum dan ibunya yang baru saja melaihirkan hanya dapat satu ruang yang kosong, dan ruang tersebut tidak lain adalah kamar mayat! Kesialan bertambah lagi ketika keluarga dan tetangganya datang menjenguk, semua rumah tetangga yang datang menjenguk tersebut dibobol maling! Mungkin atas dasar kesialan tadi maka bapak dan ibu-nya Njum memutuskan untuk tidak punya aak lagi.
Njum...Njum...!" Seru Ari dan Paung dari luar, ngajak berangkat sekolah bareng.
"Njum, sudah disamper, tuh!" seru ibunya Njum memberi tahu.
"iya, sebentar lagi. lagi cari sepatu, Bu!"
"Tunggu sebentar ya! Njum lagi pakai sepatu." ujar ibunya kepada Ari dan Paung.
Njum keluar buru-buru, pakai topi, baju rapih, celana bersih, tapi....sepatunya sebalah biru sebelahnya lagi putih..
"Njum, kok sepatunya lain-lain gitu, sih? " tanya ibunya sambil melotot.
"kalu kiri dua-duanya, nggak bisa dipakai dong, bu!" Jawab Ari sambil nyelonong, tapi langsung balik lagi begitu kupingnya ditarik.
Disekolah, Njum termasuk murid yang spektakuler. bukan otaknya yang spektakuler, tapi tingkahnya itu, lho!
"Njum, PR-nya sudah dikerjakan belum?" tanya bu guru ketika pelajaran dimulai.
"Sudah, Bu, tapi kayaknya Njum cuma dapat nilai sembilan, deh, bu. Soalnya bapak nggak bener sih ngajarinnya semalam!"
"Sok tahu kamu!" Jawab bu guru, "Oya, katanya kamu baru pindah rumah, gimana rumah barunya...enak?"
"Enak, kok , Bu! Sekarang Njum sama kakak sudah nggak satu kamar lagi. Soalnya Njum sama kakak sudah dikasih kamar satu-satu!"
"Wah, enak dong?" Puji gurunya.
"Iya Bu, tapi kasihan bapak sama ibu Njum...."
" Loh, memangnya kenapa?" potong bu guru
"Ee....soalnya bapak sama ibu Njum masih satu kamar!" jawab Njum Bego.
"Ah , kamu ini, itu bukan mi.....ah sudahlah!" tukas bu guru capek.
"Njum pulang!" seru Njum ketika sampai rumah.
"Eh, kok cepet banget pulangnya?" tanya ibunya Njum.
"Iya, abis gurunya rapat, Bu. mau rapat pembentukan panitia, terus sorenya ada rapat pembubaran panitia!" ujar Njum kesal.
"Panitia apaan? pagi dibentuk kok sorenya sudah dibubarin?"
" Tahu, tuh!" jawab Njum, Lho, itu sepatu siapa, Bu? kayaknya bukan sepatu bapak?"
"Oh, itu sepatu bang Joni. "ujar ibunya datar.
"Hah! Bang Joni? ngapain sih, Bang Joni kesini?" ketus Njum. Ia emang nggak suka sama Bang Joni, tetangganya. Menurutnya, Bang Joni itu pelit, nggak pernah kasih duit kalau lebaran.
"Heh, jangan kurang ajar, ya1 kalau dia nggak sering main kesini, kamu nggak bakalan lahir, tau!" bentak ibunya.
" Oh, jadi....jadi...Tidak....Tidaaaaaaak.......!!"
Majalah ETNIX - Edisi X/01/Thn ke.3
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Lirik Lagu
by. Fort Minor
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
She said "Some days I feel like shit,
Some days I wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit,"
I don't understand why you have to always be gone,
I get along but the trips always feel so long,
And, I find myself tryna stay by the phone,
'Cause your voice always helps me when I feel so alone,
But I feel like an idiot, workin' my day around the call,
But when I pick up I don't have much to say,
So, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
You know the place where you used to live,
Used to barbeque up burgers and ribs,
Used to have a little party every Hallowe'en with candy by the pile,
But now, you only stop by every once in a while,
Shit, I find myself just fillin' my time,
Anything to keep the thought of you from my mind,
I'm doin' fine, I plan to keep it that way,
You can call me if you find you have somethin' to say,
And I'll tell you, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', no longer debatin',
Tired of sittin' and hatin' and makin' these excuses,
For while you're not around, and feeling so useless,
It seems one thing has been true all along,
You don't really know what you got 'til it's gone,
I guess I've had it with you and your career,
When you come back I won't be here and you'll can sing it...
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home..
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
She said "Some days I feel like shit,
Some days I wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit,"
I don't understand why you have to always be gone,
I get along but the trips always feel so long,
And, I find myself tryna stay by the phone,
'Cause your voice always helps me when I feel so alone,
But I feel like an idiot, workin' my day around the call,
But when I pick up I don't have much to say,
So, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
You know the place where you used to live,
Used to barbeque up burgers and ribs,
Used to have a little party every Hallowe'en with candy by the pile,
But now, you only stop by every once in a while,
Shit, I find myself just fillin' my time,
Anything to keep the thought of you from my mind,
I'm doin' fine, I plan to keep it that way,
You can call me if you find you have somethin' to say,
And I'll tell you, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', no longer debatin',
Tired of sittin' and hatin' and makin' these excuses,
For while you're not around, and feeling so useless,
It seems one thing has been true all along,
You don't really know what you got 'til it's gone,
I guess I've had it with you and your career,
When you come back I won't be here and you'll can sing it...
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home..
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